A Garden in the Sky

Almost Dead When Ecogardens Took Over | Resurrected Completely and Now 10 Years Strong


Ecogardens was brought in close to 10 years ago to resurrect this green roof on the fifth floor of a parking structure. It is an intensive system that was failing due to improper care and misunderstanding about plant needs and the unique environmental challenges.

This location is essentially a garden in the sky. It boasts birch trees, full-blown landscaping with planting berms, and intensive plantings 8-10 inches deep. We took it from a serious state of decline to maximum health through media amendments, better plantings and ongoing stewardship. We’re perhaps most proud of the fact that, of all the failing birch trees we encountered when we took over, we haven’t lost a single one.

If you'd like to learn more about this project or others, or start a collaboration today, please get in touch!